From Coast To Coast

From Coast To Coast

Manufactured by the Canada Games Company, copyright in 1922, this game was donated to the Museum in 1981, and a later version was donated in 1982.

The game appears to be an early version of two subsequent Canadian Map Games - "Oh! Canada" and "The Great Game Of Canada". You can click on either of these games to see them, then return to this page by using your "back button".

The box (19.2cm wide x 37.3cm long x 1.9cm deep) illustrates a map of Canada with additional areas that are not shown on the game board - primarily the territories to the north of the western Provinces and north of Quebec. Along the top of the box cover are the words "An Interesting and Instructive Game".

From Coast To Coast

The cardboard game board (18.2cm wide x 72.9cm long x .2cm thick) which is pictured above is actually a map of southern Canada. The border area along the United States is illustrated, with the US states although indicated by name, are in a single color. Four different colors are used to illustrate the provinces of Canada. The photograph at the right is from the second copy. In this version the US states are multi-colored. Black lines on both versions are intended to indicate railway lines between Canadian cities with railway stations as black dots.

The game is for four players. Each player uses a "railway spike" (.4cm diameter x 1.1cm high) of metal with a glass top either in back, blue, white, or orange. During play of the game, these "spikes" (much like map tacks) are placed in the black dots along the railway lines to indicate player progress in the game. Movement in the game is dependent upon chance derived by tossing dice. Dice are placed in a wooden cylindrical dice box. An included bi-lingual instruction booklet explains how the game is played.

Last update March 23, 2010