Star Trek

Star Trek Game Box

There are a number of Star Trek games that have been on the market. This "role playing" version was produced by Hasbro Industries Canada, Ltd. in 1974. The copy was donated to the Museum in 1980.

The original telecast of this show appeared from 1966 through 1969. The original episodes then appeared in re-runs and continue to do so. A cartoon version appeared in the 1970s.

Because of the original telecast's "cult following" a number of major motion pictures with the same principals have appeared since 1979 and continue to be produced. Copies of these films were then marketed on videotape and then as DVD presentations.

Role Play Game Parts

There have also been a number of "spin-off" television series, each with it's own set of actors. While the scripts of these telecasts were new, they often drew upon content from the original series, drawing upon characters and incidents that appeared in original Star Trek telecasts.

The "spin-off" series are:

The game box illustrated above is 21.g cm x 42cm x 3cm. Easily identified by many people are the stylized portraits of the telecast principals: Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy). As the cover illustrates, this is a "role-playing game".

A Board Game

Game Box

The Museum collection includes another Star Trek game, but this one is a "board game". Donated to the Museum in 1980, this bilingual game was produced by Hasbro, Inc. The box illustrated on the right includes a subtitle printed in yellow on the bottom left which says "Action and Adventure in Outer Space". Above this subtile in white are the words "Ages 4-10".

Pictured on the box are the principles from the Television show - Kirk, Spock, Bones, and others. The insert pictures on the right illustrate other principals in the show.

Game Board

Inside the box is a cardboard game board approximately 41cm square. Four spiral trails on the board become circular paths. In the center of the board is a picture of  The Enterprise. On each path is a picture of one of the principals character from the telecast. Instructions in both French and English for playing are printed on the board. Pointed plastic markers for the four players are included. On a platform, two spinners are mounted. The platform features pictures of the controls on the "bridge" of The Enterprise.

Next Generation

Other Versions

In addition, in 2006, a donor gave the Museum a new Star Trek game based upon the "Next Generation" series. Neither a board game per se nor a role playing game, this version has many parts (some of which can be seen in the photo on the right), and the playing surface is a 3D version of the "Enterprise" flight deck!

The collection also includes a copy of an early personal computer (1980) software version of a Star Trek game on a 5" cardboard floppy disk. The software was written in a special version of the BASIC language designed to run on a Z80 Compucolor computer.

Last update May 31, 2010