Scoobydoo Game

Scoobydoo Game Box

Produced by Somerville Games in Canada in 1973 under license from the Milton Bradley Company, this game was donated to the Museum in 1991. The Bradley Company issued a later version of a "Scooby Doo Game"  in 1983.

The game is based upon a cartoon series which was first telecast in 1969 as part of the Saturday morning children's series on networks in the United States, and still appears from time to time. In 2002, it was issued as a feature film in theaters and on DVD. Most of the episodes as suggested by the game box above (42cm x 21.5cm x 3cm), concern "comic scary" content.

Scoobydoo Game board

The game board which folds in half is about the same size as the box. Pictured on the bottom of the board is the outside of a castle.

The game is a simple "track" game from the starting area on the lower left side of the board near the red van. The "track continues inside the "castle" and has various instructions on certain circles. The game also includes a cardboard backed red plastic  "spinner" used by the 2 to 4 players to determine the number of spaces they can move on the "track". Note that on the board there are pictured tunnels and other "mysterious" places that a player may be taken to. These actions are representative of the content of the telecast cartoon content.

A deck of  yellow cardboard playing cards (4.5cm x 3cm) direct the action of the players. Players use either a red, yellow, blue, or green round plastic marker (1.5cm) to represent their travels on the game board. The winner of the game is the first player who follows Scooby and finds the "hidden treasure".

Last update May 31, 2010