Patty Duke Game

Patty Duke Game box

Telecast from 1963 to 1966, this sitcom stared a motion picture (The Miracle Worker) academy award winner who played two parts: Patty - a typical American teenager, and Cathy - her identical twin intellectual cousin from Scotland who was visiting her in the United States. The plot centered around typical teenage hi-jinx when the two girls changed places. Patty Duke played both parts, and when seen from the back, the cousin was Rita McLaughlin. To further interest a teen-age audience, from time to time guest stars included recording artists such as Bobby Vinton and Frankie Avalon.

This copy of the game was donated to the Museum in 1991.

The game board features a "track" which leads to various scenarios typical of the content on the telecast. Patty Duke Game board

Each of the scenes depicted on the board are typical of activities middle-class young teen-age girls living in New York City in the early 1960s might be engaged in, such as:

Using a chance device and board markers, two players traveled around the board attempting to resolve situational  issues which were described in an accompanying instruction booklet.

Last update May 30, 2010