The Mating Game

Mating Game box

Since the latter part of the 1980s, during daytime telecasts, the television networks began offering a number of "reality" television audience participation shows. These shows concerned "relationships", "dating", "marriage", etc. Although the "game" mode of each of these telecasts varied somewhat, their intent was to enable two unattached  people to "date" and perhaps "mate".

In the decade of the 90s many more of these types of "reality" television shows were telecast and eventually some scheduled for prime time evening hours. Continuing into the new millennium these telecasts have multiplied and appear to draw viewing audiences numbering in the millions.

The game box (photograph on the left) is based upon one of these early television "reality" shows. This game was produced by Hasbro, Inc. based upon an NBC television series. The game was donated to the Museum in 1991.

Since the game was intended to be used in a private home by adults who consent to play, the results - in contrast to a telecast -  would be much more "open" and "graphic".

In the boxed game, players receive a series of questions - which they answer. The answers to these questions are an attempt to reveal underlying personality traits of each player. After the questions are answered, players attempt to match their responses with another player - and as a consequence - may discover a "mate".

Last update May 29, 2010