Hawaiian Prisoner's Base Game

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71. Pa-a-ni a-lu a-lu - Prisoner's Base

[Page 233]A number of boys play, half on a side, each with its base (pa-hu). A boy will run out from either side, and those opposite will try to catch him and bring him to their goal.

Stair1 mentions a game played in Samoa by a given number of young men who chose sides, the game appearing to resemble the English game of prisoner's base.

J. Stanley Gardiner2 says that in Rotuma "on moonlight nights the beach is alive with the girls and the boys, singing and playing all sorts of games. A favorite one of these is a sort of 'prisoner's base'; a kind of base is marked off, and then one side hides, while the other side searches for them; they have, if possible, to get back within this base."

1, Page 136.
2. Journal Anthropological Institute, vol. xxvii, p. 488.

Last update February 3, 2010