Hawaiian Bean and Marble Games

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57. Pa-na pa-na lu-a - (Beans) Pit-Shooting

[Page 227] Played by several persons with beans, pa-pa-pa, each contributing the same number. A small hole is dug, beside which they put all their beans together. The first player then flips the beans into the hole, [Page 228] one by one, with his thumb and forefinger, continuing until he misses. The next then follows, and so on in turn until the beans are all flipped in the hole. The one who puts the last bean in wins the game.

61. Pa-na pa-na-hu-a - "Seed Shooting" Marbles.

[Page 229] The seeds of the ka-ka-lai-o-a plant (Caesalpina bonducella), which are nearly spherical, are used as marbles. Any number play, and each puts the same number into a ring on the ground 10 to 12 feet in diameter. They shoot in turn from the edge of the ring, endeavoring to knock the marbles out. When a player knocks one out he may place his taw or shooter (ki-ni) in the ring. If a succeeding player who has not knocked a marble chances to [Page 230] hit this shooter he goes out of the game; but if he has knocked a marble out, the one whose shooter is hit forfeits the entire number first put into the ring. The shooters, larger seeds, are valued at five of the ordinary ones which are called hu-a ma-pa-la or hu-a ki-ni-ki-ni, hu-a meaning seed. The game is said to be called also le-na pa-ka (le-na, " to shoot; pa-ka, "to fight").

Dr. Edward Palmer collected for our National Museum the seeds of the Caesalpina bonducella in Florida, where, he reports, they are used by children as marbles under the name of "nicker" seeds.

45. Ha-no - SQUIRT-GUN.

[Page 222] Squirt-guns are made of bamboo. Boys and girls play with them on holidays, especially on New Year's day. A specimen in the Berlin Museum für Völkerkunde is made of gourd (i-pu ha-no-ha-no).

Last update February 3, 2010