Playing Cards: Denmark

Card Box

Acquired by the Museum in Denmark in 1977, this deck was manufactured by Handa, Ltd. Copenhagen.

Danish playing cards

The flap-top box (photograph on the left) is 9.3cm long x 6.6cm wide x thick. The word "Bridge" (in English) is printed in red across the top of one side.

There are 54 cards in the deck, each 9.1cm long x 6.2cm wide. The card back is pictured on the lower left. Two cards are jokers. An example can be seen at the top in first row on the right in the photograph of the playing cards.

Card back

Suit indicators are in the international style. There are four suits - spades, hearts, dimonds, clubs. Indicators appear in each corner of each card. Each suit has cards numbered from Ace to 10. There are 12 face cards in the deck. Kings are marked "K", Queens are marked "D", and Knaves or Jacks are marked "B". All face cards are double headed court figures.

Last update May 25, 2007