Papers About Games

Certain ethnographers who study games have been more prolific than others in publishing papers about games. Many of these publications are significant because they include published information about games and game-playing that does not appear elsewhere. In fact, some of the games discussed are no longer played or are the forerunners of games which are now played. Some of these publications are cited in various sections of the Exhibit WebPages.

In order to provide researchers using the Web a "virtual" opportunity to read some of these papers, this section includes a number of these "paper" along with biographical information about some of the authors. Some "papers" are the traditional length that might be found in an academic journal, while some are quite lengthy and might have been a chapter in a larger publication, or a publication in itself. Some of these papers were first published over a hundred years ago, and the journals they appeared in are not generally available.

The publications have been scanned from copies, and reproduced in this section using a number of editing programs, i.e. - OCR, text editors, word processors, etc. Many of the copies of these papers were made on older photocopying equipment in the 1950's and 1960's.

Some graphics included by the authors may have originally appeared in color, however, because these copies were made on older photocopy equipment, graphics were reproduced in black, gray, and white. In certain instances, when an author has indicated the colors a graphic should have, these have been added using graphic editing software. At times when an appropriate graphic was available, and a researcher has not provided a graphic, a new graphic is used as an illustration in a paper.

Click on a name below to find out about an author and/or to read their publications.

Last update August 11, 2010